Good morning lovelies & a very Happy Burns Day to you all!
It's time to announce the winner of my followers Candy giveaway!
I consulted with Mr Random.Org this morning & he generated a number for me
Little drum roll please drrrrrr...................
# 9 - That's you Rachel Fisher! Yay
Please email me
to claim your prize!
Now while I was chatting to Mr Random, he accidently generated
another number so to be fair I thought I'd add in another little prize!
#28 That's you Karin!
can you also email me for a little surprise!
Thanks to everyone who played along & to all of you who visit my blog!
I love seeing all you little faces at the top of my blog each time
I log in. It reminds me how many lovely people I have met
through blogging & the crafting world!