Good evening crafty bloggers!

I'm so sorry, I completely forgot about my blog candy today!
I was up early & got my towels on to wash, stripped my bed,
did some ironing, got crafty & then did some home DIY with hubby!
We were sorting out some sprung floor boards today
as well as varnishing some doors.
We also had to wait in for our old sofa's to be collected by the charity shop people!
I can't tell you how good it feels to have a little bit of space back in the house!
So now, without any further ado let's get down to the business in hand!
There were 20 comments on my candy post.
The candy prize is a 15 Euro Voucher for
Having checked the comments, there was one duplicate which I deleted
just to keep it fair!
Mr Random .org was called upon to make a selection!
He picked #14
That's you Nancy!
send me an email to dawnyfox(at)gmail(dot)com
& I'll give you the voucher code!
Thanks so much to all who entered!