Just had to share a set of ATC's with you!
These were made for the swap over at Card Making Downloads!
The theme was inspired by a song and I just couldn't help myself!
Here they are! Can you guess the song?
I'm sorry that the pics aren't great but the light was poor when I took them!
Here's the story behind them, a bit of a giggle really!
My Neice & her long term partner had been together for years & years.
My Neice & her long term partner had been together for years & years.
After having two little furry baby doggies for a while, they decided to move on to the human baby variety!
The baby is due next month!
Next thing we know, we get a text to say that they had only gone & got married in secret!
Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather! David was fairly adamant that he was not the marrying kind & they were happy as they were or so we thought!
So, have you guessed the song yet???
Well, you may have to be of a certain age to get it! lol
I must emphasise the fact that in no way was it a shotgun wedding but could I get that song out of my little head!!! LOL
The sheets were made up for me by Elliza, one of the ladies on Card Making Downloads after I put out a call for an image of a bride in the family way!
I had made the card & posted it off before I remembered I should have taken a picture!
Ooopsy, silly me!
Never mind, at least I could share these with her! I made them with the scraps from the card!
The papers were a freebie from Joanne Barsby last year, not sure if you can still get them!
The rest of the stuff is from my stash! The silver "You're invited" is from a peel off sheet!
Thanks for stopping by! I hope you like them & you see the funny side!